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noot's carrd


catboy xiao xingchen smiles and waves his hand at you
i block super liberally. if we've never interacted before and you see you're blocked by me and have no idea why, you most likely you got caught by redblock for liking/retweeting something i strongly disagreed with, specifically so that neither of us would ever accidentally directly interact
i am very much proship, don't like don't read, don't harass real people over fictional characters, curate your spaces, etc etc. antis do not interact with me (& also if ur one of the "antis AND proshippers are equally bad" types, you can't really be "neutral" on if people deserve to get harassed over fictional characters lol)
pro-ship =/= shipping every single ship ever, if you just don't like some ship but you're not harassing people over it, you're good in my books


if i publicly share any sorta fic / au ideas, drawing ideas, etc etc, PLEASE ASK before you draw / write / etc anything with it. if you get inspired to write anything based off my completed art, go ahead and write if you want (pls share afterwards if u do!), but if i share an art idea, please don't draw it without asking first
im autistic! i usually don't need tone indicators, but in super ambiguous situations i might ask for clarification. if i accidentally say something rude to you mid convo, feel free ask me to try to clarify wtf i meant
i also usually dont use tone indicators, but if we're having an extended convo in twitter dms, i'll usually ask if we can move to discord bc i like being able to react with emotes and stuff, and twitter's reactions are incredibly limited and don't usually fit the Exact feeling i wanna convey with a reaction
i usually don't insta-follow back unless i've already interacted with you on discord or something and you seem chill, and sound like we have some shared big ships + u tag my notps if u post about them at all
i'm also not rlly into real person shipping, so i'm also unlikely to follow you back if i notice that you regularly post those things untagged


they / them
canadian [russian / jewish]

find me:

side twitters:

my current main fandom as of late 2022 is ffxiv. some other fandoms i'm into but not currently really actively posting content about are mdzs, genshin impact, and dragon agefor ffxiv, with multiple WOLs, im working with dragon age "the other possible main characters are maybe alive somewhere in the background doing their own thing, but just happened to not end up in the circumstances that lead to them being The main character in this universe" logic, not "all of my WOLs are WOLs in the same universe together and all know each other" logicfor mdzs in particular, i almost exclusively draw using a mix of donghua and manhua designs, and prefer using novel based timelines as a basis for most aus, headcanons, ships, etci usually try to tag fandoms + ships in all my art tweets, as well as add content warnings for depictions of but random one-off non-art tweets i tend to not tag ships/fandoms for, so if you're only interested in one fandom i'm into and don't want spoilers, u can mute the fandom tag ^^i will try to always tag the folllwing:

  • genderbending (most likely using "cw genderbend")

  • blood/gore (using "cw blood")

  • needle related stuff (using "cw needles")

  • gun stuff (using "cw gun")

  • self harm (using "cw self harm")

  • sword/knife/etc stuff (using "cw knifeplay")

  • drowning / strangling / choking / asphyxiation (using "cw choking")

  • eye trauma (using "cw eye trauma")

  • always feel free to let me know if u want/need anything else to be tagged!


carrd was made loosely following this tutorial